WiFi as a Service Model Is Good for Business
As a WiFi-as-a-Service provider, we finance, construct, own and operate the WiFi network system. Without upfront investment outlay from the building owner, they can sit back, relax and let us settle everything.
We provide a proposal offering an attractive deal with the owner and enter a partnership that achieves both parties' objectives. Customer is no longer tied up with technology risk and could provide a better service for their tenants.
Upon signing the contract, our design and engineering teams will carry out site study and design the system. They will ensure all analysis are carried out in terms of calculations, dynamic upside and blind spot before work commences on site.
When the system turns operational, we will manage three key elements: infrastructure, software, and managed services at our end. Our back office will provide our customer and their tenant or resident with our sales support and service.
Their combination of strong technical know-how combined with their financing ability all under one roof made us feel very safe and happy to work with them.”

“Very strong WiFi speed and coverage allow me to have a smooth facetime back home and fast download of movie save a lot of my time .”